

Working Towards a Safer Environment

ISO9001We recognise that our business activities have both a direct and indirect impact on the environment.  We strive to improve our performance though current best practice.

We are committed to providing the resources essential to the implementation, control and review of the entire product range.

Through a process of continuous improvement and staff appraisals, we constantly review all our working procedures to reduce the creation of waste and the promotion of good housekeeping techniques.  We inwardly invest and provide resources enabling staff to embrace our environmental goals.

The industrial Supagreen disposable paper products that we manufacture are, wherever possible, made from premium recycled paper which has undergone a sophisticated de-inking and washing process.  This process uses no bleach and therefore dramatically reduces the discharge of harmful dioxins.  The energy source for drying and steaming is natural gas and the water system is filtered and recycled to give further energy saving.  All waste solids are inert and virtually harmless and the process also has the benefit of giving the paper a higher tensile strength as a result of slower bonding of the fibres.

All our products are developed with the aim of maximising biodegradability, the lowest toxicity and optimum skin tolerance.
Our selection of suppliers includes and takes into consideration their environmental policy and track record.

Merton Group Environmental Statement

Much has been made of carbon footprints and the responsibility that industry has to preserve resources and minimise the threat of global warming. No longer can companies sit idly by and continue to use up non-renewable materials.

Merton Group is proud of its long standing approach to preserving resources such as wood and protecting both global and local eco systems. Merton Group is committed to using where possible, only recycled materials, in addition to only developing and selling products which have a minimal impact on the environment.

Planned prevention or reduction of pollution is more cost effective than curing damage after the event. It therefore makes sense to minimise waste and pollution to reduce long-term costs.

Our policy starts from the consideration of the Company as part of the community and its impact locally. More widely by bringing in raw materials, use of energy, produce distribution and discharging emissions and wastes.

We have identified that the significant / key environmental issues relevant to our business are the disposal of waste, the use of energy in the production and storage of our products and air pollution in the distribution of products to our customers. We are therefore committed to the disposal of waste without despoliation of the environment, a reduction in energy usage and transport air pollution.

Merton Group therefore have the following commitments and objectives to

  1. Minimise disturbance to the local and global environment and to the quality of life of the local communities;
  2. Fully comply with all statutory regulation;
  3. Maintain appearances and highest environmental standards within the Company premise;
  4. Take positive steps to conserve scarce and non-renewable resources;
  5. Assess, in advance if possible, environmental effects of new processes and developments;
  6. Provide necessary information to enable proper use, storage and disposal of Company products to avoid harm to the environment;
  7. Provide necessary information to enable employees to operate processes properly and minimise effects on man and the environment;
  8. Keep the public informed of major new projects in the locality.


The development of the business, having full regard to the environment and taking into account the view of all affected interest.

Where necessary the Company will provide for codes of practice, which will reflect the environmental impact of the contact. This policy will be communicated to all employees.

The Group Chairman (Operations) has ultimate responsibility for this policy and through the Management team and supervisors, will direct this policy to all concerned.

Phil Tipton
Group Chairman (Operations)

Merton Group understands that creating and providing products should be done so in a socially responsible manner, where customers can be confident that quality does not have to be at the expense of ethical considerations.

Merton Group is completely devoted to only providing quality products which meet strict guidelines.  What’s more, Merton Group firmly holds the belief that effective cleaning and hygiene provision does not need to come at the expense of the environment.

Merton Group: Cleaning and hygiene products that don’t cost the earth.